Case study

Biotechnology company keeps growing and evolving


May 18, 2022

As the biotech’s needs changed, RSM adapted to meet its goals

When the engagement with RSM began, Sigilon Therapeutics was a small startup, on their way to becoming a public company. RSM helped Sigilon implement an enterprise resource planning system. But the engagement rapidly expanded to include finance and IT elements.

Managed cloud and IT Life sciences Biopharma
Labor and workforce Medtech NetSuite Managed services
有一家你信任的公司为你做你需要的一切,这是很好的, in a timely manner and with professionals who know what they are doing.
James Murphy, Vice president of finance and controller, Sigilon Therapeutics Inc.

Successful companies are always moving forward. 即使按照快节奏的生物制药行业的标准,Sigilon Therapeutics Inc. has transformed rapidly in a relatively short period of time.

James Murphy is the vice president of finance and controller of Sigilon, and he is responsible for Sigilon’s IT systems. Sigilon致力于通过利用人体细胞的力量,为患有多种慢性疾病的患者开发功能性治疗方法. Murphy表示,Sigilon能够快速成长和变化的一个原因是,RSM US LLP提供了广泛的管理服务,使该组织能够专注于其核心业务.

“这实际上是利用RSM的知识来确保我们有效运营,” Murphy says. “有一家你信任的公司为你提供所需的一切,这很棒, in a timely manner and with professionals who know what they are doing.”

Sigilon成立于2015年,并于2018年聘请RSM来实施企业vwin娱乐场官方规划系统,以满足公司不断增长的需求,包括遵守萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley). When the engagement began, Sigilon was a small startup, on their way to becoming a public company in 2020. 为了跟上步伐,RSM必须证明自己可以像Sigilon一样灵活和主动.

Getting started

After assessing Sigilon’s environment and growth goals, RSM implemented NetSuite to help the company automate workflows, 加强预算流程,并对其技术平台进行其他关键改进. The implementation went well, 而RSM则继续担任管理IT服务提供商和NetSuite的支持合作伙伴.

The RSM team made several additional improvements, such as implementing new switches and firewalls, creating a more redundant network to protect against potential failures, and enhancing wireless infrastructure to strengthen connectivity. 其结果是为Sigilon提供了一个功能更强大、可扩展和更安全的IT环境.

However, upgrading IT systems was only part of Sigilon’s growth plan. 该公司还在寻找能够评估该组织财务功能的供应商. 从本质上讲,Sigilon需要一个在多个服务领域具有能力的合作伙伴.

“我们的目标是确保我们作为一家上市公司能够正常运作,” Murphy says. “我们希望在整个组织中确保最佳实践和高度安全的环境.”

In response, 接下来,RSM开始通过对公司NetSuite平台的持续应用支持来改善Sigilon的财务功能. Licenses, enhancements, 变更和维护问题由RSM的托管应用程序服务团队负责. Regardless of the function or the team involved, however, every aspect of the engagement focused on security.

With both the IT and financial aspects of the engagement going well, Sigilon和RSM讨论了其他可以帮助公司实现目标的项目. Sigilon认识到,当涉及到托管服务时,RSM拥有一站式服务的vwin娱乐场官方, and conversations across multiple departments intensified, 是什么巩固了双方的关系,让两家公司走在同一条道路上.

New challenges

Still, there was no time to rest on one’s laurels. Sigilon正在迅速扩张,RSM确保跟上公司的需求.

“As we grew, RSM helped us through the various surges of adding staff, getting employees acclimated to new technology, and allowing our employees to do their jobs effectively,” Murphy says. “Sigilon经历了非常快速和加速的增长期, and RSM has been able to support us at every stage.”

作为一家上市公司,Sigilon将以前所未有的方式接受审计和审查. 该公司必须确保基本控制到位,同时保证所有关键数据的安全. In response, RSM helped develop and implement solutions for data storage, file sharing and other crucial functions. In addition, because scientific documents need to be handled in a specific manner, Sigilon called upon RSM to assist in creating a new storage system. RSM还有助于为新员工的入职和离开公司的员工的离职建立安全机制.

到目前为止,RSM的功能已经不仅仅是提供服务的第三方. Sigilon不断变化的环境意味着RSM必须快速适应以满足公司的优先事项. 因此,RSM成为了一个事实上的合作伙伴——一个可以提供丰富服务的伙伴.

For example, once Sigilon became a public company, 遵守SOX的要求给约定增加了一层复杂性. However, RSM proved helpful with this process as well.

因为IT和SOX遵从性的需求不同(有时是相互冲突的), RSM provided two entirely different teams to work with Sigilon. 墨菲说,这两个团队都有必要的技能来满足公司在各自领域的需求. He adds that the teams complement each other’s work.

“I’ll get questions from the SOX team about IT security,” Murphy says. “So I’ll reach out to the IT team to make sure that we’re good. And so far, 在SOX遵从性方面,没有什么是IT团队没有考虑到的,也没有什么是我们没有实现的.”

A consistent presence

Murphy believes that while Sigilon has gone through many transitions, with RSM those adjustments have been mostly seamless. 他将这种程度的成功归功于双方的团队,以及他们保持开放沟通和根据需要调整优先级的能力.

“RSM has been the constant through a lot of changes, and their handling of so many functions has offered us stability,” Murphy says. “They’ve filled in gaps when issues arise, and because they deal with a lot of those challenges, we can stay on task.”

In the future, RSM will continue to focus on improving Sigilon’s IT functionality, supporting the company’s finance function and ensuring SOX compliance. RSM的改进和广泛的vwin娱乐场官方帮助Sigilon专注于其主要任务, which is creating groundbreaking therapies.

“RSM did a lot to make sure that we were built to grow,” Murphy says. “我们正在寻求再次增长,当我们实现增长时,我们将利用RSM的经验来帮助我们.”

This content was originally published on

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